Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Gematria fan sign at WWE,subliminal hand signs and Clinton and Bernie April 25 2016,mistake or blood sacrafice?

Check this sign out..this was at the beginning of the raw after Chyna died. "Mistake" does indeed equal 24.i watch wwe regularly and I don't think it is part of a wrestlers gimmick .This is from the April 25th 2016 taping of wwe raw which is in its 24th season.it is done very subliminally as the camera is panning right you have to use slow mo to catch everything

Chyna died on 4-20 or 20-4
24th season of raw
Forty two=142
Chyna was billed from Londonderry New Hampshire which is on the 42 parallel

Blood sacrifice = 67/76
New Hampshire =67/76

You see someone's hand flash four fingers then two also notice the sign "chyna is dx"
Chyna is dx=44
4+25+(2+0+1+6)=38 (death)

date of this raw 4-25-2016 has a numerology of 45 it also takes place in Hartford ct
Chyna died at 45

"Mistake"also equals 33 (s exception)
At the very same time Bernie sanders and Hillary Clinton were having a debate in the townhall at national constitution center in Pennsylvania on the eve of voting for a few states including New Hampshire

Bernie sanders=133
National constitution center = 330
Chyna died 4-20-2016


  1. Awesome work! The wrestling poster is wild stuff.

    1. Thanks and yea Mann crazy stuff I didn't see that poster the rest of the 3 hour show and I was looking very hard to..
